

It’s time to return to your world without noise, deep within the source of a peaceful lake.

Look up at the vast sky, breathe in deep, and feel the earth beneath your feet.
Gently guide your awareness away from your noisy head and down into your heart.

When you listen to your heart and stop being dishonest with yourself or minding what other think, you can restore your Human Nature - compassion and goodness lie within you.

Gratitude for your life bestowed by this planet and other living beings will place you in the great embrace of Mother Nature – the womb of all creation.

Boundaries do not lie between the two Natures, for they exist as one. When you live connected to Nature, you can dissolve your selfish egos and break free from the tiny cage of the Individual.

You are not alone anymore.
You are society, world and planet.
All are connected – All is one.

The suffering of another or the destruction of the environment - their pain will become your own.
You’ll return to the origin of truth that protecting this planet and other living beings means caring for your own self.

As humans stand against divisive conflicts and the climate crisis, we are working towards unity.

This world is full of beauty,
And so is the human soul.
I believe in Me, as I also believe in You.

Daisuke Yosumi

Author / Naturalist / The first Japanese ambassador for Greenpeace and Fairtrade

Yosumi created a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle in the lakeside woods in New Zealand, unconstrained by time, place, or money where he could pursue a workstyle independent of any organization or outside system.
He also recorded 10 million-seller hit during his time as a record producer.

He is the first Japanese ambassador for Greenpeace Japan and Fairtrade Japan, and an ambassador for the Ministry of the Environment.
He is the president of LifestyleDesign.Camp, a members-only community.
Navigator of the podcast "noiseless world.

His bestselling books include "Ultra-Minimal Life," "Ultra-Minimalism," “Your Life’s ‘Don’t Need to Do’ List”, “50 Things You Can Let Go of to Stay Free”, and “An Introduction to Backpacking through the Mountains”.

|Born along the borders of Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara of Japan
|Raised as a “Child of Nature”, with social anxiety disorder, suffered from excessive blushing (erythrophobia)
|Highly passionate about fishing, camping, trekking and baseball from a young age
|Deeply grieved over the disappearance of neighboring rice fields, rivers, ponds, and woods due to urban development
|Enrolled in Dokkyo University’s Department of English after studying in America for one year
|Hoping to be a video journalist, he began studying in earnest for the first time
|Was captivated with backpacking through the mountains, fly fishing, and van life
|After a taste of self-sufficiency, he began dreaming of moving to New Zealand (hereafter shortened to NZ)
|Failed to get his first-choice of TV station, NHK, entered Sony Music, assigned in Sapporo
|As social anxiety worsened, he started his career as a business person, with lowest evaluation
|Moved to a new position, Advertising/PR and Producer Apprentice
|As extremely demanding work made him mentally and physically sick, he requested to take a step down the career ladder
(Spent the following year in a more relaxed position)
|Called back to the department for producing music artists
|Suffered remorse from his involvement in the mass production of CDs which cannot be recycled back into the environment
|Resigned from his position as a record producer upon being granted permanent residency in NZ, which he had been dreaming of for so long
|Let go of everything in order to move to NZ and aspire to a lifestyle with as little impact on the environment as possible, independent of the influence of the global economy and societal turmoil
|Without a house or car, he carried with him only two suitcases, one backpack, and a fishing rod case, spending almost half a year living from camping sites – His first total life reset (at 1/10th the income)
|Began a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle through recycling and minimal consumerism in an old lakeside house in the middle of a virgin forest
|Having found a place to call home, he finally overcame his social anxiety and severe blush reaction in his 40’s
|Launched his official website, 4dsk.co
|Alongside his lifestyle in the lakeside woods in NZ, he also began a nomadic lifestyle to see the world’s ethical locations first-hand in order to create a work style based on minimalism and freedom which is unconstrained by time, place, or money and independent of any outside system or organization
|Reflecting on the impact of greenhouse gas emissions, he announced a halt in his nomadic lifestyle which had taken him to over 65 countries
|To take back the time lost to his busy schedule, he quit a large portion of his work and declared that his income should be cut down to half of what he was making at the height of his career (ultimately, a 40% drop) – His second total life reset
|Following the birth of his first child, he took his minimalism lifestyle to the next level – Minimizing expectations about what we “should” do, and maximizing time spent on things we *want* to do
|Created an ultra-short work style where he could focus on raising his child and only work until noon for just three days in a single week
|Closed his official website 4dsk.co where he had written approximately 600,000 words in over 900 articles
|Launched his new official website, DaisukeYosumi.com
|Unified all social media accounts under the name “DaisukeYosumi”

|Sony Music Entertainment – Acquired basic skills through various positions: Sales, Marketing, Assistant Producer
|Passed an audition for a major fishing tackle manufacturer and began working outdoors on the side - Started a multiple-career life
|Ultimately worked 10 years as a producer at a record company and acquired more advanced skills such as branding, media strategy, and creative production
|Was headhunted by Warner Music and became department head at the age of 34
|Requested to step down from his management-track position and return to being an on-site producer, went on to produce multiple consecutive hits
|Started the record label “Realnote” under Warner Music Japan
|Was appointed as a part-time lecturer at Sophia University
|Was appointed as a part-time lecturer at Kyoto Seika University
|Began writing regular serialization for outdoors magazine “Field Life”
|Dominated the yearly music rankings of 1st and 2nd place with the album sales of female artists
|Left his position at Warner Music
(Ranked 1st in weekely charts 20 times, produced 10 million-seller hits and sold more than 20 million copies of CDs)
|Founded and became CEO of Lake Edge Nomad Ltd., began freelance work
|Began writing regular serialization for fly fishing magazine “Fly Fisher”
|Began writing regular serialization for eco-magazine “Sotokoto” and trekking magazine “PEAKS”
|Working outdoors became his main occupation and he began appearing on magazine covers and featured articles
|Founded and became Vice-Representative of “the Organic”
|Began producing various projects and branding corporations
|Began writing regular serialization for Asahi Newspaper and magazine supporting earthquake disaster reconstruction “Kagaribi”(A bonfire)
|Began writing regular serialization for tech magazine “Mac Fan”
|Created “LifestyleDesign.Camp”, a membership community that directly teaches how to design their own post-capitalist lifestyle.
|Founded and became Co-Representative of IT startup company “OSIRO”
|Began writing irregular serialization for organic life media “Spring Step”
|Resigned from all executive positions, producing, and regular serialization writing work in order to devote himself to authoring his own books, running his school, environmental activism, and his lifestyle in the lakeside woods.
|Started irregular series of articles in the sustainable life media website "Caboneu"

|NGO “Greenpeace Japan” – first Japanese ambassador
|International Environmental Think Tank “earth.org” – first Japanese ambassador
|The Ministry of the Environment’s “Mori Sato Kawa Umi Project”
|The film distributor specializing in documentaries “United People”
|Local Food Cycling “LFC Compost”
|Renewable energy dissemination project “Power Shift”
|NPO “Japan Holistic Beauty Association”

|“It’s Okay If You Don’t Do It, It’s Okay If You Can’t Do It” (Out of Print)
|Co-Author of " FLY FISHING TRIP〈01〉18 Stories of Flyfishers"
|“50 Things You Can Let Go of to Earn True Freedom in Your 20’s” (Currently on the 16th printing)
|Co-Author of “The Journey: The Journey of First-Hand Experience to Create Your Own Way of Life”
|Co-Author of “Mobile Bohemian: How to Live and Work like You’re on a Journey”
|“Your Life's ”Don`t Need to Do” List” (The paperback edition of “It’s Okay If You Don’t Do It, It’s Okay If You Can’t Do It” – Currently on the 9th printing)
|“Backpacking through the Mountains: A World Only Reachable On Foot”
|“An Introduction to Backpacking through the Mountains: 61 Ways to Travel ing the Mountains Freely”
|Co-Author of “LOVELY GREEN NEW ZEALAND: A Guidebook to Traveling to a Country of the Future”
|Ten years since its conception and after four years of writing, “Extreme Minimalism” is published
|Scheduled to release a sequel to "Extreme Minimalism"

|Produced several music artists
|Produced outdoor brand “airista” which aims to create ultra-lightweight clothing
|Appointed as advisor to outdoor music festival “Tabimatsuri”
|Became director of IT startup company “Shuttlerock Japan Ltd.”
|Became a founding member and began producing “Ogawa Organic Fes.”
|Appointed as advisor to NZ wine brand “MANA” and saw its first release
|Appointed as Senior Advisor to “QREATOR AGENT Inc.”
|Participated in bringing NZ sustainable home care store “ecostore” to Japan
|Appointed as Ambassador to the Ministry of the Environment’s “Mori Sato Kawa Umi Project”
|Produced environmental activist group “MOTHER EARTH”
|Appointed as Outside Director to “yoggy inc.”, the biggest yoga chain in Japan
|Was involved in producing Singer-Songwriter Hiroya Ozaki
|Produced “The Journey”, a brand of completely environmentally-friendly sarouel pants
|Produced “muon”, the first meditation studio and app brand in Japan
|Associate Producer of “Water Baby”, a collaborative documentary on home birthing by Japan and NZ
|Created the “noiseless world” podcast
|Produced rooms40 ethical area “Sustainable Dialogue Café”
|Produced the English video edition of “Self-Soothing Meditation: A Skincare Ritual” (This is the last work Yosumi has produced)

-Record Producer Era Accomplishments- (Excerpt)
Ken Hirai (平井堅)
|Although a big star now, at that time, sales of his single reached only 3,000 copies
|First-ever music video to premier online
|First-ever pre-sale of ringtones for a single
|Highest debut album sales of all time for a male artist (3.2 million copies)
|Highest audience ratings on the most popular music TV program “NHK’s Year-end Kouhaku Song Contest” (2001)
|No.1 in yearly sales for musical artists (2003)
Ayaka (絢香)
|First-ever music video aired on MTV in ten countries before debut
|First-ever simultaneous live broadcasting by all mobile carriers
|First-ever full-scale music video release on a broadcast television information program
|First female singer-songwriter to debut at No.1
|Fastest female artist in history to achieve more than 1 million ringtone downloads
|No.1 in overall karaoke rankings for the entire year (2007)
|No.1 in yearly album sales for female artists (2009)
|First-ever performance of a debut song on “Music Station” special program
|First Japanese artist to perform at “Heroes of Woodstock” in the suburbs of New York
|Spent two weeks at No.1 on the weekly album ranking charts
|No.2 in yearly album sales for female artists (2009)