Event with Minimalist Shibu at Tsutaya Ropponmatsu, Fukuoka will be held|October 24 (Mon.) 7:00 p.m.

20 October, 2022

福岡・六本松 蔦屋書店にて、ミニマリストしぶさんと対談イベント開催|10/24(月)19時~

10/24(Mon.) 19:00 – at Tsutaya Ropponmatsu in Fukuoka, a dialogue event with minimalist Shibu San will be held.

Two “minimalists” will talk about “the meaning of work”.

This event is for on-site participation only. Please register as soon as possible.

https://store.tsite.jp/… /business/29631-0913491020.html