EPW Snack Vol.11 NEW ZEALAND Slow&Natural - I'm an early riser and a weak drinker, but I'll do my best as a store owner -” Fri. 8/23, 18:00-21:00

25 July, 2024

四角大輔、スナックのママやります『EPW Snack Vol.11 NEW ZEALAND Slow & Natural~早寝早起き&お酒弱いぼくがママをやってみたら~』 8/23(金)18:00-21:00

Daisuke Yosumi will be the mama at EPW SNACK, a special snack bar that opens one night only every month!
He has no snack experience, is a weak drinker, and goes to bed early and gets up early. He has never been to a snack bar before, is not a drinker, goes to bed early, doesn’t like crowds, doesn’t like to socialize, and is a writer who retreats to a lakeside forest in New Zealand. So why is Shikaku working as a mama at a snack bar in the heart of the city? The answer will be a surprise until the day of the event! We look forward to seeing you all there with acoustic music, vegetarian food, reduced pesticide and organic wines, and vin naturel. Don’t miss the one-night-only Daisuke Mama!

Date: Friday, August 23
Time: 18:00-21:00
Participation: EPW Members / Invited Guests
Charge: EPW members FREE / Guests 2000yen
Food and drinks will be charged.
*Cashless payment is required.

For more details, click here.