Online magazine “IDEAS FOR GOOD” reports on Daisuke YOSUMI’s talk event with alpinist Ken Noguchi. The event was a part of “Cosmo Earth Conscious Acts”, a series that calls for protection of Earth’s environment.

24 February, 2019

地球環境の保護を訴える活動「コスモ アースコンシャス アクト」の一環で開催された、アルピニスト野口 健さんとの対談トークイベントの模様がIDEAS FOR GOOD に掲載

Online magazine “IDEAS FOR GOOD” reports on Daisuke YOSUMI’s talk event with alpinist Ken Noguchi. The event was a part of “Cosmo Earth Conscious Acts”, a series that calls for protection of Earth’s environment.

Please visit the website.


“Cosmo Earth Conscious Acts ~Ken Noguchi’s Talk event” program overview
◆On Air: Sunday Feb. 24, 2019, 19:00~19:55
※Time differs / Please check the website of your FM station.
※When the radio broadcast finishes, we will broadcast video podcast of the session.
◆Stations: TOKYO FM and 38 JFN stations
◆Appearance: Ken Noguchi, Daisuke YOSUM, Erina WATAYA
◆Sponsor: Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd.
◆Website of the program: